Southwest Exteriors
It's Time to Replace Your Old Drafty Windows

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Stephen Mirabal

Are your old Durango windows causing you discomfort with their drafts and high energy bills? If so, it's time to consider upgrading to energy-efficient windows. Here are some of the best reasons to upgrade your old drafty windows:

Energy savings

Old windows are notorious for letting air leak in and out, which can lead to high energy bills. Energy-efficient windows are designed to minimize air leaks and reduce heat transfer, resulting in significant energy savings.

Increased comfort

Drafty windows can create uncomfortable temperature fluctuations and even make your home feel downright cold in the winter. Upgrading to energy-efficient windows can help regulate your home's temperature, making it more comfortable year-round.

Improved indoor air quality

Drafty windows can also let in dust, pollen, and other allergens, affecting your indoor air quality. Energy-efficient windows have better seals, helping to keep unwanted particles out of your home.

Increased home value

Energy-efficient windows are a valuable investment in your home. They can enhance your home's curb appeal, increase its resale value, and attract potential buyers if you ever decide to sell.

Noise reduction

Energy-efficient windows can also help reduce noise from outside, making your home more peaceful and quiet.


In conclusion, upgrading your old drafty windows to energy-efficient ones is a smart investment that can benefit you in many ways, from energy savings to increased home value. So why wait? Contact a trusted window installer today to learn more about your options!

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